Trump Arizona Rally to Feature GOP Gov. Candidate Kari Lake as Featured Guest

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Tomorrow, Donald Trump will travel to Arizona for a rally where Kari Lake, Trump’s endorsed candidate in the Arizona race for governor, will take the stage as his featured guest.

The rally is promising to be “a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda” — including the Big Lie. All of Trump’s endorsed candidates in 2022 have pushed his conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Lake is no exception. Trump even touted Lake’s willingness to go to extremes on the Big Lie in a recent interview, saying, “She’s very big on this issue. She’s leading by a lot.” 

Despite her history of supporting Democrats, Lake now is apparently all-in for Donald Trump and is peddling his top conspiracy theories. Lake also recently signaled her plans to mirror her pandemic response off of Donald Trump’s and do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of COVID. When asked how she’d approach rising COVID cases as governor, Lake offered a simple solution: “I would just end the pandemic.”

Even with Trump’s coveted endorsement, Lake’s most recent fundraising numbers fell flat in comparison to GOP primary opponent Karrin Taylor Robson’s.

Trump’s rally and Lake’s appearance are sure to spark even more right-wing chaos in an already messy primary. While only one candidate got Trump’s endorsement, the rest of the candidates in the GOP field have tried to embrace Trumpism just as much as Lake, including Matt Salmon, Kimberly Yee, Karrin Taylor Robson, and Steve Gaynor.

“Kari Lake is foolishly welcoming Trump with open arms into a state he very clearly lost in 2020,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “The strategy of Lake and the rest of the GOP primary field to model their campaigns off an agenda Arizonans soundly rejected in 2020 will have dire consequences for whichever candidate makes it to the general election this year. Arizonans know how bad Trump was for the state and they won’t accept a candidate offering a do-over of his harmful, toxic policies.”