DGA Statement on Matt Salmon Entering the Crowded, Extreme GOP Primary for Arizona Governor

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Today, Former Republican Congressman Matt Salmon announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor of Arizona.

Democratic Governors Association Executive Director Noam Lee released the following statement:

“Matt Salmon is the latest candidate in the Arizona GOP’s increasingly messy, far-right primary contest to model his campaign off of Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories. Salmon launched his candidacy on the coattails of Trump’s ‘Big Lie,’ vowing to fight the same non-existent voter fraud that’s driving the sham election audit in his state, which Salmon refuses to denounce as the partisan lie that it is.

“Right out of the gate, Salmon is staking out extreme positions on issues and touting his far-right record, bragging about founding the Freedom Caucus, which houses the GOP’s most out-of-touch conservative members. Salmon spent his time as a congressman opposing policies that made a real positive impact for Arizonans — he does not support marriage equality and has stated he’s ‘completely opposed’ to the Affordable Care Act. 

“Arizonans already rejected Matt Salmon once when he ran for governor. His harmful and hate-filled agenda is out-of-touch and wrong for the state. Arizonans need unifying leadership and a demonstrated commitment to fighting for working families. Matt Salmon has only demonstrated a commitment to fueling the flames of division and bigotry.”
