David Perdue Inches Closer to Challenging Brian Kemp for Governor

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Among reports that former Sen. David Perdue is “seriously considering” launching Georgia into a “scorched earth” primary challenge to Gov. Brian Kemp, Perdue is hitting Kemp harder than ever before.

In a new interview, Perdue slammed Kemp saying that state leaders in Georgia “caved in to a lot of things back in 2020 that didn’t have to be done.” Perdue refused to confirm or deny he would run against Kemp, but did hint on a possible primary challenge, saying, “the fact that…my phone is blowing up tells us something,” and that he was “concerned about the state” of Georgia under Kemp’s current leadership.

Perdue’s ambitions to run for governor are being boosted by Donald Trump, who is encouraging Perdue to run while blasting Brian Kemp  as “a disaster” and “terrible.”

In another blow to Kemp, a second poll is showing that Perdue would beat Kemp in a potential Republican primary with Trump’s endorsement. The new poll also showed Trump with an 84% approval rating among Republicans, while Kemp’s favorability was only at 68%.

The polls prove when it comes to Georgia Republicans, what Trump says goes. And with the former president labeling Kemp “a complete disaster,” his reelection chances aren’t looking too hot. No wonder David Perdue is eyeing the opportunity to take Kemp down.

“Every indicator shows Brian Kemp is extremely vulnerable to attack and it’s no wonder why,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “ He’s utterly failed on everything from COVID-19, to affordable health care, to voting rights. Georgians aren’t just fed up with Kemp— they’re fed up with Republican leadership and eager for change. The DGA looks forward to helping make that change happen and electing a Democratic governor in Georgia.”