Doug Mastriano’s Plan To Outlaw Abortion Is Too Extreme Even For Republicans

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Mastriano’s “No-Exception Abortion Ban Policy Will Ultimately Cost Him the Election” — Former Republican Candidate for Congress

Doug Mastriano’s views on abortion and his plan to outlaw abortion with no exceptions and criminalize medical professionals for performing them are so unpopular and extreme that even Republicans are calling him out for it.

Republican John Featherman, a former candidate for Congress and mayor in Philadelphia, criticized Mastriano’s plans for being wildly out-of-touch, stating that his “no-exception abortion ban policy will ultimately cost him the election.”

In Bristol, Republican Karen Sloan added that after this SCOTUS ruling, she’s “planning to support candidates who back abortion rights” because this issue is about “taking away someone’s rights.”

While the majority of Pennsylvanians think that abortion should remain legal, Mastriano’s “positions on the matter are not in line with public opinion,” said Muhlenberg College political analyst and pollster Chris Borick.

Mastriano has called banning abortion his “number one issue,” claimed Roe is “so much” worse than the Holocaust, and said “my body, my choice” was “ridiculous nonsense.”

“Doug Mastriano’s plan to outlaw abortion with no exceptions and criminalize doctors for performing them is so extreme and out-of-touch that even Republicans are calling him out for it,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “The vast majority of Pennsylvanians want abortion to remain legal, and Mastriano’s views are so toxic that even members of his own party are distancing themselves from him.”

While Mastriano celebrates the SCOTUS Roe decision — going against the majority of Pennsylvanians and numerous Pennsylvania businesses who have warned against banning abortion — he is once again making clear that he “has little interest in moderating,” instead, “sticking to his preferred brand of politics.
