Debate-Dodging Kelly Schulz Is Mad the DGA Has Sent 8 Press Releases Mentioning Her — Here’s #9

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While Kelly Schulz is locked in a tight race with Trump-endorsed Dan Cox, she’s doubling down on her plan to hide her record for Maryland families by dodging debates — and now she’s even complaining about DGA press releases.

In a desperate memo with typos, Schulz’s campaign advisor lashed out against polls showing her locked in a close race while counting and complaining about the DGA “issuing eight press releases in an attempt hurt her in the general election” over the “last three months.”

Schulz has made it a priority to duck tough questions, so it’s not surprising she’s mad the DGA has accurately pointed out key parts of her radical record, including:

“Instead of counting up and complaining about press releases, Kelly Schulz should stop dodging debates and come clean to Marylanders about her radical record, including trying to completely ban abortion with no exceptions and supporting plans to strip funding from public education,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “As Maryland’s MAGA primary gets nastier and polls show Schulz failing to gain momentum against Trump-endorsed Dan Cox,  it’s never been more clear her campaign is running scared.”
