Kelly Schulz’s New Ad Fails to Mention How Her Real Education Record Hurts Students and Parents

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Kelly Schulz’s latest TV ad tries to claim she’ll improve schools for families, but the reality is it fails to mention her long record of harmful education policies.

First, Schulz supports efforts to strip funding from public schools to fund private schools, which would deplete vital resources that are needed to  provide mental health resources, after-school programs, and literacy coaches, among other important tools that will help students, parents, and teachers get back on track.

She’s also opposed expanding pre-K — even though early childhood education helps kids get ahead while lowering costs and helping parents get back to work or stay on the job.

Additionally, Schulz name drops Gov. Larry Hogan in her ad, but she’s refused to say if she agrees with his widely publicized comments attacking Donald Trump, who endorsed her GOP primary opponent Dan Cox.

This ad is just the latest example of Schulz hiding her harmful record. Since launching her campaign, she’s ducked and dodged questions about her unpopular positions in an attempt to skate by the far-right primary.

“Kelly Schulz may be good at repeating partisan talking points from Republican insiders, but the truth is her harmful education agenda would hurt students, parents, and teachers,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton.
