Scott Jensen Called Out for Spreading Bizarre Internet Hoax About Furries

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Jensen Joins CO GOP Nominee Heidi Ganahl in False Claims

Today, CNN reported that Scott Jensen is spreading “a bizarre hoax claim which has been debunked” that children are being allowed to identify as furries in public schools and use litter boxes for urination.

Jensen made the claim in a speech to supporters just last week.

School officials and fact-checkers from major news outlets have repeatedly disputed the unfounded conspiracy theory, but Republican gubernatorial nominees — including Jensen and Colorado’s Heidi Ganahl — continue to repeat the claim.

Jensen is no stranger to baseless conspiracy theories and lies. ​​Included as a source in PolitiFact’s 2020 “Lie of the Year,” Jensen has pushed dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines, and his running mate has spread conspiracies that the 2022 election will be stolen.

“Instead of offering up plans to better their states, Scott Jensen and Heidi Ganahl are spreading bonkers conspiracy theories,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “While Gov. Tim Walz and Gov. Jared Polis make record investments in their states and fight for working families, Jensen and Ganahl are trying to distract and divide. These bizarre claims about furries confirm Jensen and Ganahl are too extreme to be governor.”
