New Mexico GOP Candidates Do ‘Damage Control’ After GOP Convention Flop

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After a chaotic and dysfunctional GOP convention in New Mexico, where none of the candidates posted a strong performance, the GOP candidates for governor are scrambling to put a positive spin on their abysmal showings of support.

Mark Ronchetti’s campaign is doing “damage control” to try to spin their embarrassing fourth-place finish and the fact that they couldn’t even receive 20% delegate support.

Rebecca Dow, who only received 28% in delegate support, blamed technological issues and “a barrage of attacks” directed against her for her lackluster performance.

The infighting among the candidates in the GOP primary was in full force during the convention and leading up to it. Just days before the convention, Jay Block and Rebecca Dow went at each other after Dow accused Block of spreading rumors that she was trying to kick him off the ballot. In his convention speech, Ronchetti attacked his fellow candidates for their “backbiting and back-stabbing” and told them to “grow up.” 

DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy said, “The candidates in the GOP primary field are too busy attacking each other to see the real reason they can’t materialize any significant support — even with Republicans — is because their agendas are unpopular and out-of-touch. None of them have shown any real plans to govern, so it’s no wonder none of them are resonating with voters.”