Kelly Schulz Offers Empty Rhetoric On Infrastructure But Stays Silent on Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

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In a recent interview with WBAL-TV, Kelly Schulz offered more empty rhetoric about Maryland’s crumbling infrastructure but once again stayed completely silent on whether she supported the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Schulz has been predictably silent about the legislation providing an estimated $4 billion in funding to improve roads and bridges in Maryland, even though Schulz asked Biden to address infrastructure a month before the bill was signed.

Asked about her plan to improve Maryland’s infrastructure, Schulz said infrastructure is “pivotal for our state’s economy and the health and happiness of our citizens” but failed to give many details on what she would do besides continuing on existing projects.

Silent Schulz has dodged important questions for months in the hopes that she can skate by the far-right primary without revealing any positions on key issues at all.

But one poll has shown Trump’s pick Dan Cox beating Schulz in a head-to-head, and 74% of Republican primary voters do not even have an opinion of her.

“Kelly Schulz continues to offer empty rhetoric while refusing to offer any details on the issues that matter most to Maryland families,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “But Silent Schulz will have to start answering questions if she hopes to survive this all-out battle for Trump’s base.”
