EARLY RACE CALL: Trump Wins GOP Gov Primary in Connecticut

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All GOP Gov Candidates Praise Trump Agenda, Fail to Criticize His Character

With just a day before the Connecticut primary, the Trumpification of the CT GOP gubernatorial race is 100% complete.
We already knew First Selectman Tim Herbst, David Stemerman, Mayor Mark Boughton, Bob Stefanowski, and Steve Obsitnik supported Trump. They all asked Trump to campaign with them. They all gave Trump an A grade on his first 18 months in office.
But over the weekend, we found out just how much the candidates adore the president and his policies. TheNew Canaan Advertiser reported that the GOP candidates couldn’t name one single problem with President Trump’s policies or temperament.
From the report:

Connecticut GOP governor candidates praise Trump’s policies; avoid criticizing his character
None of the five Republican candidates for governor of the state of Connecticut said they would prefer to have a different person serving as President of the United States, even if a person with different moral character has President Trump’s policies. 
Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton said he can defend Trump’s policies, and the disruptive nature of the President may contribute to his success. 
Greenwich investment banker David Stemerman said Trump’s policies are doing a great job on the economy, and people respect him for taking the risk of speaking what is on his mind.
Former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst said flatly he would not prefer a different person, because Trump was elected fair and square, and he is a reflection of the people’s wishes. 
Navy veteran and tech entrepreneur Steve Obsitnik of Westport said he is able to accept some undesirable methods along with the President’s policies that he agrees with, though he himself would do things differently.
Former GE and UBS executive Bob Stefanowski would not comment on the character question, but did not hesitant to say the country needs more of Trump’s policies. 

No matter who comes out of the primary tomorrow, we already know the nominee:

  1. Loves Trump
  2. Loves Trump’s agenda and leadership style
  3. Thinks it’s a good idea to bring the Trump agenda to Connecticut

That’s a scary checklist for Connecticut voters.
“There is no daylight left between Connecticut Republicans and President Trump,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “If the GOP candidates won’t speak out against Trump, how can voters trust them to stand up for Connecticut as governor? No matter who wins tomorrow, we already know it’s going to be a Trump Republican.”