DGA Launches ‘Axe the Food Tax’ Video Game Celebrating Laura Kelly’s Historic Move Ending Kansas’ Tax On Groceries
Today, in celebration of Gov. Kelly signing bipartisan legislation to finally eliminate the sales tax on groceries in Kansas, the DGA is launching an online video game at axethefoodtax.com.
Click here to play ‘Axe the Food Tax with Gov. Laura Kelly!’
Gov. Kelly signed the fiscally responsible and bipartisan bill to end the tax on groceries yesterday, delivering on a signature campaign promise and putting money back into Kansans’ pockets. One fully eliminated, axing the food tax is estimated to save Kansas families an average of $500 a year. Last week, Governor Kelly signed a $1 billion tax cut for over one million Kansans.
In contrast, Derek Schmidt voted to raise the food sales tax in the State Senate and refused to support Gov. Kelly’s plan to eliminate the food tax, even saying he had no opinion in written testimony. Additionally, the Topeka Capital Journal recently added that Schmidt “doesn’t support efforts from Republicans or Democrats to cut taxes further.”
“Gov. Kelly’s move to axe the food tax is a win Kansans in every corner of the state can celebrate,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Since taking office Gov. Kelly fixed the budget, fully funded schools, set new records for business investments and is providing tax relief where Kansans need it most — all by working across the aisle. Now, thanks to Gov. Kelly, Kansans will spend less on groceries.”