Cox Gets Another Endorsement from Trump, While Schulz Dodges Questions and Files Desperate Complaints

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Donald Trump delivered another massive blow to Kelly Schulz just one week before Maryland’s primary election day, releasing a statement once again endorsing Dan Cox’s far-right extremism and slamming Schulz as “low-energy.”

As Cox gets yet another “Complete and Total Endorsement!” from Trump, Schulz is caught up filing pointless complaints and complaining about DGA press releases to distract from her terrible campaign, while she dodges debates to avoid answering where she stands.

Most recently, Schulz has refused to answer whether she’d support Trump if he runs in 2024.

Polling has consistently shown Cox beating Schulz and beating her by even more when GOP voters know about Trump’s endorsement of Cox and Larry Hogan’s endorsement of Schulz.

“Trump’s support for Dan Cox continues to create massive issues for silent Kelly Schulz,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “With the far-right base flocking to Cox and her campaign still flailing, Schulz should stop hiding and finally answer whether she’d support Trump in 2024.”
