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Cameron Allies Attack Craft as New Polling Shows Wide Open KY-GOV Primary

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Cameron Allies Attack Craft as New Polling Shows Wide Open KY-GOV Primary

Meanwhile, Cameron Doing (Teddy) Bear Minimum to Answer Questions By Dodging Debate

A pro-Daniel Cameron Super PAC launched a new attack ad against Kelly Craft this morning, signaling that Kentucky’s gubernatorial primary will only get more costly and chaotic in its final 28 days.

The ad comes as new polling from Emerson College shows a wide-open primary contest, and after Kelly Craft and her allies have spent heavily to paint Cameron as a “soft, establishment teddy bear.” Spending in the race has already topped $6 million — a number that is certain to grow as the GOP candidates launch their closing attacks in an election that grows nastier by the day.

Meanwhile, Cameron continues to do the (Teddy) bear minimum to answer questions by backing out of a debate this week — and lying about why.

“Kentucky’s GOP gubernatorial primary continues to charge head-on into louder, meaner, and more expensive territory as the candidates and their allies spend millions of dollars to tear one another down,” said Democratic Governors Association Communications Director Sam Newton. “While these out-of-touch extremists spend the next four weeks going after one another in this increasingly divisive primary, Gov. Andy Beshear remains focused on uniting all Kentuckians across party lines and moving forward.”
