YouTube Removes Video of Geoff Diehl Spreading Dangerous Election Misinformation

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Trump-endorsed GOP candidate for governor Geoff Diehl is so extreme that YouTube proactively removed a video featuring nothing but audio of him from a radio interview because it violates their policies prohibiting election misinformation.

Specifically, Diehl claimed the 2020 election “definitely was an election that was stolen from Trump.”

MASSterList added: “YouTube last Tuesday notified the DGA that it was removing the audio clip from its platform because it violated the company’s policies related to the spreading of election misinformation and claims that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen.”

Diehl is also among several extreme Republican candidates for governor who recently refused to make clear they’ll accept the results of the upcoming election in November, according to the New York Times. When asked about it, Diehl doubled down today.

Diehl has repeatedly spread Trump’s Big Lie and even campaigned with an insurrectionist on the anniversary of the deadly January 6th attacks at the U.S. Capitol. He’s also attacked federal law enforcement, claiming without evidence in the same video that YouTube removed that the FBI is “trying to rig the future election.” 

DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton said: “MAGA Republican Geoff Diehl is so fringe that his comments in a radio interview violate policies from YouTube designed to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation that undermines American elections. This once again reaffirms that Diehl is a fringe conspiracy theorist and too dangerous for Massachusetts.” 
