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Why Wait? Chicago Sun-Times Calls For Leadership From Rauner On Gun Violence Prevention

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“We Need A Signal — Now — That The Governor Is Ready To Join The Effort To Reduce Gun Violence.”

So far, Governor Bruce Rauner’s been ducking the gun violence prevention debate raging in Springfield and across the country. He’s called for “conversation” and “examination” and said he would be “open to considering changes.” He flip-flopped in a matter of hours on whether teachers should be armed or not.
What Rauner hasn’t shown is leadership, and the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board called him out on it:

“We need a signal — now — that the governor is ready to join the effort to reduce gun violence. Others have recognized that things have changed. Enough Republicans and Downstate Democrats came off the sidelines to send the gun dealer licensing bill to the governor. They know Illinois can’t wait another day to start doing more to protect its citizens.
It’s time for action, not delay.”

Why wait?
“Illinois families need more than rhetoric and platitudes from Bruce Rauner to solve gun violence,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “But once again, the Governor is failing to show leadership on another important issue. While the country debates how to keep our streets and schools safe, Rauner has retreated to dodging questions and blaming others. Rauner’s actions show he is more interested in protecting himself than protecting the people of Illinois.”