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Why Is Rauner’s Campaign Paying a Former Cambridge Analytica Executive’s Firm?

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Rauner Paid $95,000 to a Company with Ties to Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager

This morning, Politico Illinois reported that Governor Bruce Rauner’s campaign paid a total of $100,000 to two companies tied to Matt Oczkowski, a former Cambridge Analytica executive. Cambridge Analytica is the company at the center of a data privacy scandal that has shocked the nation and rocked Facebook.
The first payment of $5,000 went to HuMn Behavior, a firm owned by Matt Oczkowski. The second payment of $95,000 went to Data Propria, a company with ties to Brad Parscale, Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager. Parscale was Trump’s digital media director when Cambridge Analytica worked for Trump’s campaign. The second payment came in early March, well after news leaked that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was looking into Cambridge Analytica as part of his Russian interference investigation.
“Bruce Rauner must have seen something he liked in Donald Trump’s shady campaign,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Voters deserve to know why Rauner’s paying someone whose former firm is under investigation by Robert Mueller, and why he wants to bring Donald Trump’s campaign tactics to Illinois.”