Whoops! VT Gov Candidate Flips on His Own Econ Plan

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Whoops! VT Gov Candidate Flips on His Own Econ Plan

 Scott’s campaign admits to building plan on ‘incorrect information’

Phil Scott’s economic plan for Vermont is so bad, even Phil Scott doesn’t like it.

On Sunday, the Vermont Press Bureau reported that Scott is “scaling back” his proposal to cut the capital gains tax after basing it on “incorrect information.”

“Scott spokesman Ethan Latour said the campaign made a mistake when crafting the proposal and based it on wrong information,” wrote Neal Goswami of the Vermont Press Bureau. 

Things couldn’t have gone worse for Scott during the plan’s botched rollout where he failed to answer basic, straightforward questions (watch the wheels fly off here). But now, things have gone from bad to worse with Scott admitting he used faulty information to build his plan for Vermont’s economy.

Read the article that ran in Sunday’s Rutland Herald here.