Where’s Walker? Jetting off to the Swamp

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Scott Walker Leaves Wisconsin for Second Time in One Week to Hobnob with DC Elite

After another awful week on the campaign trail in Wisconsin (and a brief sojourn to Nebraska), Scott Walker clearly needed to get away and be with his own people, the Republican swamp creatures of the Washington beltway. So tonight, he’s leaving on a jet plane and popping over to McLean, Virginia to rake in that sweet, sweet swamp cash.
Earlier this week, Scott Walker came under fire for the 322 taxpayer-funded flights he took last year, but he clearly just can’t get enough of that high-flying lifestyle as he continues to leave the people of Wisconsin in his jet-exhaust.
Typical politician Scott Walker is abandoning Wisconsin yet again, this time to hobnob and collect checks from the DC swamp elite,” said Democratic Governors Association Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “Scott Walker’s flight logs could not make his priorities more clear: Walker puts himself and his own career ambitions ahead of the needs of Wisconsin. Stay tuned at WheresScottWalker.com to track where he’ll pop up next.”