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Where’s Pat?

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Where’s Pat?

For 2nd time, McCrory to skip Trump event in NC

McCrory can run, but can’t hide from Trump endorsement

Donald Trump is back in North Carolina today, and yet again Gov. Pat McCrory is conspicuously absent. Last month, McCrory was willing to raise money for Trump at a private fundraiser in Greensboro, but his attendance record at Trump’s public events is now 0-2.

As Trump takes the stage for a campaign rally in Raleigh today, McCrory “will be miles away” from his endorsed candidate. McCrory told press this morning that he had “a long scheduled trip” that prevented him from being on stage with Trump. 

On June 14, McCrory cited a “scheduling issue” to explain why he refused to appear with Trump at a public event in Greensboro. At the event, Trump praised McCrory for “doing a fantastic job.” 

Despite his recent public shyness, McCrory endorsed Trump in June.

“Pat McCrory can run, but he can’t hide from his support of Donald Trump’s disastrous campaign,” said DGA communications director Jared Leopold. “Voters know the Trump-McCrory ticket would be send North Carolina backwards with a divisive, job-killing agenda. But despite McCrory’s desperate attempts to hide, nothing can change his open-arms  embrace of Donald Trump for president.”
