“Weak”: Greg Gianforte’s Primary Night Victory Spells Trouble for Montana GOP

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After weeks of fellow Republicans shouting warnings about the perils of nominating an opponent to public lands with few ties to the state, last night Greg Gianforte managed to eke out a win. Nearly half of all Republicans voted for another candidate highlighting Gianforte’s weakness with his base. The response from independent observers is clear —  Gianforte is bad news for the GOP: 

“Gianforte is a uniquely divisive figure who, despite spending millions in positive advertising, remains the most unpopular federally elected official in Montana,” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. “Gianforte’s attacks on public access, failure to show up to work, and support of a sales tax are anathema to Montanans. We don’t need a crystal ball to see the future here: Greg Gianforte lost in 2016 and he’ll lose again.”