WATCH: New Video From the DGA Highlights Richard Irvin and Megadonor Ken Griffin’s Latest Corrupt Pay-to-Play Scheme
A new video from the DGA released today exposes Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin and megadonor Ken Griffin’s latest pay-to-play scheme — just another example of Irvin’s abuse of power that lines the pockets of his wealthy donors. Click here to watch the video.
After telecommunications company Scientel Solutions donated more than one hundred thousand dollars to Richard Irvin’s campaign and committees connected to him, Mayor Irvin strong-armed the Aurora City Council into approving a development agreement that allowed Scientel to erect a tower in the City — despite the Council’s initial objections and warnings that the structure would interfere with fair access.
As usual, Griffin wasn’t far behind. Citadel, of which Griffin is the founder and CEO, used the network to conduct high-frequency trading, the tactic that Griffin used to help build his fortune. And this dream team is showing no signs of stopping; just last week, Griffin dumped another $25 million into Irvin’s campaign.
“This latest pay-to-play scheme is right in line with the sort of cozy corruption that’s become the norm for Richard Irvin and Ken Griffin,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “They’re in this race to fill their campaign coffers and line their own pockets — and Illinois voters see right through it.”