Washington Post Editorial Slams ‘Mr. Free Lunch’ Ed Gillespie for ‘Phony Math’ Tax Plan

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Post: Gillespie tax cuts could turn Virginia into Kansas or Louisiana

Today, The Washington Post Editorial Board called out Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidates Ed Gillespie and Corey Stewart for their unrealistic tax plans. Both Gillespie and Stewart have promised massive tax cuts for the rich, with little concern or explanation for how it would affect Virginia’s budget.
Here are a few highlights:
Mr. Free Lunch is Ed Gillespie, a Washington insider and veteran political strategist who would hand everyone a sizable tax cut — much more sizable for the rich than for the middle class — that would sap annual state revenues from the outset by hundreds of millions of dollars, from a general fund budget of about $20 billion.”

By a miracle of modern math, no important programs would suffer, says Mr. Gillespie.”

“As it happens, though, Mr. Stewart, whose campaign consists largely of cozying up to Confederate symbols, also promises painless tax cuts; he just doesn’t bother trying to justify it with phony math, as Mr. Gillespie does.

That’s the kind of approach that crippled states such as Kansas and Louisiana, where Republican governors took a scythe to revenue, pretending the result would be an economic boom; in fact, they gutted core services and sent investors fleeing.”
Read the entire editorial HERE
