Walker’s Worst Day — Yet

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Heading Into First Debate, Local and National Press Highlight Walker Campaign Struggles

Every time it seems like this election can’t get any worse for Scott Walker, it does exactly that. Yesterday might’ve been the worst day of the cycle.
First, Walker woke up to reports in the Washington Post that Trump advisors were begging him to stay away from radioactive Walker because he would be “wasting his time” because Walker’s likely to lose.
Walker then had to find out that a fourth former Secretary was speaking out against him. Not only that, he had to read an open letter from THREE former Walker cabinet official slamming him for his naked political ambition and lies to Wisconsinites.
The former secretaries wrote, “It became clear that [Walker’s] focus was not on meeting his obligations to the public but to advancing his own political career at a tremendous cost to taxpayers and families. As we come to a critical election, we find it imperative that we share with Wisconsin voters why we will not be voting for Governor Walker.”
Now, on the morning of first debate, Walker has to stare down the likes of these headlines in Wisconsin papers.
And it’s not just Wisconsin press that’s noticed Walker’s unprecedented day. Last night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, highlighted Walker’s “kick in the teeth day.”
With 18 days until election day we’re betting that there are a few more days like this in store for Walker.