VIDEO: Schuette Ducks – 4 TIMES IN A ROW – on Trump’s Family Separations

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WLNS to Schuette: “Why Don’t You Want to Take a Stance on This?”

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette ducked questions about Donald Trump’s family separations four times in a row in a segment that aired on WLNS Channel 6 News in Lansing yesterday evening.
After Schuette refused to answer the question three times in a row, WLNS ended by asking: “Why don’t you want to take a stance on this?”

Click here to watch the video:

Trump’s policy of separating families at the border tore children away from their parents — and now children as young as 8-months old are arriving in Michigan.
Schuette’s an avid Trump supporter and is currently running in Michigan’s nasty GOP primary for governor against Lt. Governor Brian Calley, where allegiance to Trump has been a top issue.
“Even when Donald Trump’s shameful policies are ripping children away from their parents, Bill Schuette is too spineless to take a stand. He won’t ever stand up to bad Republican policies in DC because Michigan’s nasty GOP primary for governor is all about allegiance to Trump — at all costs,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director David Turner. “More questions for Schuette about Trump’s unpopular and harmful policies will just mean more ducking and running.” 
Here’s the full segment from WLNS in Lansing.