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VIDEO: Kim Reynolds’ Rough Week: Lawsuits and Protests and Budget Crises, Oh My!

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Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ 2018 has gotten off to a bumpy start— take a look! 

This week alone:

  • The lawsuit against Reynolds’ questionable fiscal schemes gained steam as new legislators signed on,
  • Iowa counties were forced to grapple with the fiscal effects of the Reynolds Budget Crisis by making cuts to their services,
  • The state had to contend with the effects of the Trump Tax Hike (which Reynolds supported),
  • Reynolds came under fire by members of her own party for her proposed health care cuts
  • Citizens spoke out against the privatized ReynoldsCare Medicaid fiasco that has left Iowans without needed care, and
  • Republicans bashed the Governor’s “water quality” legislation.


Take a look at Reynolds’ terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week HERE.

“As this week makes clear, Governor Reynolds has failed Iowa,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “Between her fiscal mismanagement, health care debacle, and support for a scheme that will raise taxes on Iowans, Reynolds’ priorities could not be more out of step with the families and small businesses of Iowa.”