VIDEO: How it's playing in Oregon

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The Democratic Governors Association today released a web video highlighting the statewide praise of Kate Brown’s historic inauguration as Oregon’s 38th governor. Yesterday, Brown laid out a clear vision with a focus on getting back to work for Oregonians.

Here’s how her inaugural speech is playing in Oregon press.


BEND BULLETIN: “Editorial: Brown is off to a good start” — “Oregon needs a governor to set the state back on track, and Gov. Kate Brown began that with her first speech as governor.  She pledged that she will not seek or accept any outside compensation, from any source. And she said her staff and her household ‘will not seek or accept any outside compensation, from any source, for any work related to the business of the state of Oregon.’” [Editorial: The Bulletin, 2/19/15]

KGW-TV Political Analyst Len Bergstein: “Ready to take charge”: “I think what Kate Brown did in front of everybody was exactly what the state needed. It was kind of, you could tell an audible sigh of relief. Somebody as qualified as she is, ready to take charge and ready to kind of like put the last chapter behind us and get to work again…I thought she shined. I thought it was a great day for her.” [KGW8, 2/18/15]

 Oregon Political Analyst Jim Moore: “She had to do things to bring the state together, and that’s exactly what she did.” [KGW TV, 2/18/15]

 House Majority Leader: “A skilled and steady leader”: “Leadership transitions can be difficult, especially in abrupt circumstances, but we’re fortunate to have a skilled and steady leader in Governor Brown in this time of change.” [Oregon House Majority Leader Val Hoyle, D-Eugene]

 Oregonian headline: “Kate Brown shows Capitol camaraderie as she assumes Oregon governor’s office” [Oregonian, 2/19/15]

 KGW Anchor Tracy Barry: “She talked about getting back to work and said her number one priority is to regain the trust of the people of the state…[there were] really some lovely symbolic moments. That hug with Governor Barbara Roberts kind of sent chills up my arms.”  [KGW8, 2/18/15]

 Portland Mayor: “Uniquely positioned to tackle challenges”: “This is an historic day for Oregon. I wish Gov. Kate Brown all possible success as she takes on the difficult task of presiding over our state. The challenges ahead of her are significant. Thanks to her extensive experience — as a Portlander, an activist, a member of the House, a member of the Senate, and Secretary of State — she is uniquely positioned to tackle these challenges. I look forward to working with Gov. Brown in the days, months and years ahead.” [Portland Mayor Charlie Hales]