VIDEO: Fung Defends Trump’s Offensive Comments

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When No One Else Does, Allan Fung Takes Trump “For His Own Words”

Following last week’s endorsement of President Donald Trump’s tax bill, Cranston Mayor Allan Fung (R-RI) used Martin Luther King Jr. Day to defend President Trump’s use of the term “shithole” in reference to African countries.
Watch HERE.
Mayor Allan Fung: OK, let’s get that elephant out and talk about our president. If he did say what he said, there is no defense for that. Look, if he said what he said, he denies it, you have to take his own words. I have to take each man for his own words. 
Mayor Fung seems to believe Rhode Islanders should trust the word of a man who has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in just 355 days of being President.
Moreover, new reporting from the Washington Post makes it clear President Trump did use some version of that term and is proud enough to brag about it to friends.
“Everyone in the world knows President Trump lies every day, but Allan Fung believes we should take him at his word,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “That’s ridiculous. If he can’t stand up to the President and defend core American values, he’s not qualified to be governor.”
