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VIDEO: Democratic Party of Wisconsin Launches New Ad “Superspreader,” Hitting Rebecca Kleefisch for Disastrous Response to COVID-19

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The Democratic Party of Wisconsin recently launched a TV ad campaign hitting Rebecca Kleefisch for her failure to provide a plan for combating the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed over 8,000 Wisconsinites and is currently surging in the state. Watch the new ad here.

In addition to failing to release a plan to navigate the pandemic, ‘Radical Rebecca’ has been criticized for opposing efforts to mandate vaccines or masks. Her reckless track record on COVID includes supporting bogus treatments, attending and promoting potential super spreader events, and speaking to anti-vaccine groups.

Even Kleefisch’s main line of attack on Gov. Tony Evers has been debunked. She accused Gov. Evers of not following Wisconsin’s emergency response plan, but state officials quickly called out her lie and confirmed that Gov. Evers used the plan.

“Rebecca Kleefisch wants to govern Wisconsin, but she can’t be bothered to come up with a plan to address the biggest crisis facing the state,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “As Kleefisch insults health care workers and spreads misinformation, Gov. Tony Evers is working to provide real solutions to the pandemic and putting Wisconsinites first. Wisconsin deserves better than Radical Rebecca’s reckless response to COVID.”

See below for the full transcript of the thirty-second video: 

Narrator: Rebecca Kleefisch won’t listen to doctors and scientists when it comes to COVID.

Instead, she pushes anti-vaccine propaganda and false cures.

She hosts potential super spreader events and even attacks hospitals for requiring vaccinations of health care staff.

Kleefisch’s approach will hurt our economic recovery and lead to school closures.

We need to stop COVID, not spread it.

Rebecca Kleefisch — radically wrong on COVID.
