VIDEO: Democratic Governors: GOP Congressional Tax Scam Will Harm States

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Today, as the House and Senate plan to vote on the Congressional tax bill, the Democratic Governors Association released a new video featuring Democratic governors speaking out against the bill’s damaging impacts on states and middle-class families. 

DGA Chair Governor Jay Inslee of Washington, Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Governor Dan Malloy of Connecticut, Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, and Governor-Elect Phil Murphy of New Jersey call on Congress to reject this plan that would blow up the deficit while increasing taxes on working families.

According to a nonpartisan analysis, families earning less than $75,000 would see their taxes increase under this bill by 2027, while families earning millions of dollars annually would receive large tax breaks.

The video can be viewed online HERE

“Democratic governors are speaking out against the dangerous tax scam Republicans are jamming through Congress because they know this bill would hurt the families and businesses of their states,” said DGA Executive Director Elisabeth Pearson. “And they will continue to fight for a tax system that works for working families and encourages economic growth—not this giveaway to special interests that will explode our national deficit and jack up taxes on hardworking middle class families.”