VIDEO: At NGA, Democratic Governors Highlight Democratic Priorities, Detail Impact of Trump Policies on States

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Inslee: “Democratic Governors Are The Leaders Who Are Not Going Cower At The Feet Of Donald Trump” 

Raimondo: “We’re Getting the Job Done.”

Today, Democratic governors kicked off NGA weekend with a joint press conference highlighting the leadership and progress being made in their states. The governors also outlined ways they are pushing back against the harmful policies coming from the Trump administration.
The entire livestream of the press conference is available HERE.

“Democratic governors are on the march fighting for jobs, health care and the economy,” said DGA Chair and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. “We believe Democratic governors are the A-Team fighting so that every person in this country can share the blessings of this great nation, state by state, election by election…Democratic governors are the leaders who are not going cower at the feet of Donald Trump.”
“We are in our states getting the job done for the people in our states,” said DGA Vice Chair and Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “The record of economic success and prosperity under Democratic governors is exceptional. The unemployment rate in Rhode Island is lower than it’s been in decades. After twenty-plus years of Republican governors which led us to the highest unemployment rate in the land, our unemployment rate is now below the national average.” 
“We have already made some great progress with bipartisan support,” said Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam.“For the first time in five years, we now have a very good discussion, a productive discussion on expanding access to health care in the Commonwealth of Virginia. When we are successful as Democratic governors, thousands, millions of people’s lives are affected and that’s what we will continue to fight for.”
“We are proving collectively, in each individual case, that the real leadership is going on thanks to Democratic governors in states around the country,” said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy. “As we now govern in our first number of weeks, we are sticking to our commitment to strengthen our economy by growing it again, to make it again one of America’s fairest states, and shrinking those inequities, and make sure that when it works, it works for all nine million of us.”