VA-GOV: DGA Launches Trumpcare Tracker Website

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In Virginia, Gillespie Still Hasn’t Taken a Position on GOP Health Care Bill

Today, the DGA announced the launch of a new website,, to highlight the positions of GOP gubernatorial candidates on the Senate health care bill.
In Virginia, GOP nominee Ed Gillespie earned a “No Comment” rating on, for his refusal to take a stance on the Senate bill.  While Republican governors from across the country – such as John Kasich (R-OH) and Brian Sandoval (R-NV) – have repeatedly spoken out against the bill, Gillespie has ducked question after question on the issue.

Independent analyses have concluded that the Senate bill will mean higher premiums, cuts to Medicaid, coverage losses, and a dramatic cost-shift to states. The CBO projects that 22 million Americans will lose their coverage by 2026.
“Ed Gillespie must tell Virginia voters where he stands on the Republican health care bill,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold.“This new website allows Virginia voters to learn whether Ed Gillespie will take a position on TrumpCare. Virginia deserves a governor who will stand up to federal policies that hurt Virginia families. But Ed Gillespie still refuses to speak up. It’s time for him to come clean on this terrible bill.” 
