UPDATED: Out of State and Behind Closed Doors, Robinson Recommits to Toxic Record

UPDATE, JUNE 23, 2023: True to form, after refusing to tell North Carolinians where he stood earlier this week, Robinson went out of state and hid behind closed doors to reaffirm that he is sticking to his toxic and extreme agenda.

Why is Mark Robinson Scared To Embrace His Toxic Record? 

In an interview posted last week, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson declined to endorse Donald Trump for president in a transparent attempt to conceal his toxic record from the people of North Carolina. After the former president teased an endorsement of Robinson at last weekend’s North Carolina GOP convention, Robinson said, “President Trump is a guy for me. But I don’t discount any of the candidates. And I’m not necessarily — right now, at this moment — ready to endorse anybody…”

Robinson’s efforts to hide his extremism comes as North Carolina Republicans “feel uneasy” about his long history of “controversial statements,” with leading GOP strategists in the state raising concerns about Robinson and his extreme record.

 This is nothing new for Robinson who, since launching his campaign, has tried to change the conversation and distract voters from his dangerous and extreme agenda. After receiving broad backlash for promising to pass legislation to make sure women “can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason” — including outlawing exceptions for victims of rape or incest — Robinson claimed that he was “not interested in talking about abortion anymore.” Within days, though, Robinson had renewed his commitment to attacking women’s reproductive freedom, expressing his hopes that Republicans would “continue to move the ball” to further restrict abortion after North Carolina Republicans passed a new extreme abortion ban last month.

“Mark Robinson will do anything to try and hide his extreme and dangerous agenda from the people of North Carolina,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Izzi Levy. “Try as Robinson might to run from his toxic record, , it will continue to follow him to all 100 counties.The DGA is committed to making sure that North Carolinians know exactly who they are dealing with.