Unpopular Trump Endorses ‘Shuette’ in MI-GOV

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Trump Sitting at Lowly 35% Approval in Michigan, 13 Point Negative Swing Since Inauguration

Last night, President Trump tweeted his endorsement of Attorney General Bill Schuette in the Michigan gubernatorial race.

Despite his failure to spell Schuette’s name correctly, the point remains: Attorney General Bill Schuette is Trump’s handpicked choice in this race. Facing a competitive Republican primary against Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Tea Party darling State Sen. Patrick Colbeck, Schuette has now run into the embracing arms of the President.

The problem? Schuette is now stuck carrying water for the President’s deeply unpopular agenda – including a Trumpcare bill so bad that Michigan’s Republican governor opposed it. 

An EPIC-MRA poll released earlier this month showed Michiganders have started to sour on the President since he’s taken office. 62% of Michigan voters disapprove of the president while just 35% approve of the jobs he’s done so far.

The poll highlights a steady negative trend since inauguration day. Shortly after getting sworn in, the same pollster found Trump’s disapproval at 54% and his approval at 40%. That’s a 13 point negative swing to today.

Not exactly the golden ticket endorsement that it once seemed.

 “Bill Schuette is officially Donald Trump’s man in Michigan and he gets all the negative baggage that comes with it,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Now we know why Bill Schuette wouldn’t stand up to Trumpcare and other damaging policies; he was too busy trying to curry political favor with the President. If he makes it to the general election, Bill Schuette’s embrace of Donald Trump will come back to haunt him.”

For more about Schuette’s record of putting special interests and political insiders ahead of the people of Michigan, please visit SchuettesOffDuty.com