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Twelve Days Since Gov. Mike Parson’s Positive COVID-19 Test, Public Still Left In Dark

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Why Won’t Parson Say If His Staff Members Have Tested Positive?

It’s been twelve days since Mike Parson was diagnosed with COVID-19, and the public is still in the dark.

The Parson administration is refusing to disclose how many of the governor’s staff members have also tested positive for the virus. Even the Trump administration has told the public which staff members have tested positive following the President’s diagnosis.

On top of refusing to be transparent about how bad the outbreak is within his administration, Parson has refused to initiate a strong contact tracing program to figure out who he may have exposed to the virus while asymptomatically spreading COVID-19. Since the Parson administration refuses to be truthful with the public, the DGA has filed public records requests to help Missourians determine if they may be at risk.

In the days leading up to his diagnosis, Parson was seen at several  public events without a “dang mask.” Four days before his positive test, Parson attended a campaign event alongside other Republican elected officials, including Missouri’s attorney general and secretary of state. None of the officials at the barbeque appeared to be wearing masks. And just two days before his positive test, Parson was pictured again without a mask at a restaurant in Joplin, potentially exposing more Missourians to the virus.

This laissez-faire approach to mask wearing and refusal to be transparent with the public is emblematic of Parson’s entire response to the pandemic. Parson has repeatedly ignored public health officials and lied to Missourians. Now, Missouri’s case count is in the “red zone,” and White House officials warn the state is in a vulnerable position heading into the winter.

“Why won’t Parson be transparent about how many of his staffers have been diagnosed with the virus?” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Christina Amestoy. “Missourians have a right to know how bad the outbreak is in the state government and what is being done, or not done, to keep them safe. When it comes to public health, Missouri needs a governor who takes their job seriously and tells the truth.”