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Trump Visits New Hampshire–Where Sununu Always Puts Him First

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Today, President Trump is visiting New Hampshire, a state he famously called “a drug-infested den,” and Governor Chris Sununu is eagerly preparing to welcome his party boss and continue to do his bidding—even when it’s bad for the people of his state.
Here are just some of the times when Governor Sununu failed to stand up to President Trump and protect the interests of New Hampshire:

  •  Sununu supported President Trump’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and end New Hampshire’s Medicaid Expansion – a move that would stop thousands of Granite Staters from being able to access the health care, including substance abuse treatment, they need.
  • Sununu supported President Trump’s plan to raise taxes on working and middle class New Hampshire families.
  • Sununu failed to join with a bipartisan coalition of governors urging President Trump to stay in the Paris Climate Accords.
  • Sununu did not sign onto a bipartisan letter urging Congress to take action to protect DREAMers from President Trump’s decision to end DACA.
  • And even before he was elected in 2016, Sununu stood by Trump following the release of the Access Hollywood tape that led other Republicans in New Hampshire to denounce him. Sununu said, “I’m staying with my support for Trump.”

“Sununu puts his loyalty to Trump ahead of the people of New Hampshire at every turn, and today Granite Staters will be able to see their Governor’s cowardly fawning in action,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “New Hampshire’s families and businesses deserve a governor who will fight for them and stand up against the bad-for-New-Hampshire policies coming out of Washington, but Chris Sununu has repeatedly failed that test.”