Tim Pawlenty Kicks Off Gubernatorial Bid…In Florida
The Candidate Apparently Forgets Where Minnesota Is Located
When you have spent 6 years making millions of dollars lobbying for Wall Street, it can be hard to remember exactly where “home” is. It can be even more difficult if you still haven’t left your old job yet.
So forgive Tim Pawlenty for heading south towards the sun and surf in Naples, Florida to kick off his campaign for governor of….Minnesota. It’s understandable that being a lobbyist and a candidate for governor at the same time will take a toll on you.
Hopefully, he takes up his GOP primary opponent’s offer to show him around the state to meet folks he may not know or remember.
“The DGA welcomes Tim Pawlenty to the governor’s race in Florida, and we hope he has a wonderful campaign kickoff in Naples,” said Deputy Communications Director David Turner. “While Minnesotans haven’t forgotten the $6 billion deficit he left others to clean up, we hope he finds a more receptive audience in the Sunshine State.”