Tim Michels Refuses to Answer How He Would Handle Major Conflict of Interest as Governor

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With less than a month until Election Day, Tim Michels refuses to answer how he would avoid a glaring conflict of interest if elected governor, considering he would be signing off on state road contracts that his company serves to benefit from.

Michels Corporation has received more than $1 billion from state road contracts, which Michels has said he “certainly hope[s]” the company continues to bid for if he’s governor.

Experts say divesting from the business “won’t be easy,” but Michels still hasn’t provided any details on how he’ll follow through on that commitment.

“The campaign and company also would not answer questions about if Michels’ plan to divest includes selling shares of his business to his brothers or another family member. Or, if he’ll have a chance to buy back ownership of the company in the future,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

“Tim Michels won’t say how he’ll avoid massive conflicts of interest because he knows that getting elected governor will help him enrich his family’s company,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Wisconsinites deserve a governor who will use their tax dollars to improve lives, not fill his own pockets.”
