The Stefanowski Budget Plan: From the People Who Brought You Sam Brownback’s Kansas Disaster

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Art Laffer Was Architect of Brownback Failed Tax Experiment

Bob Stefanowski wants to turn Connecticut into Kansas. At least that’s what he’s telling voters with his latest ad.
In the ad, Stefanowski touts his budget plan that was “developed by the same highly regarded economists” who worked for Reagan. On the screen we see Stefanowski, Reagan and the infamous Art Laffer.

Conveniently, Stefanowski forgot to tell voters about another one of Laffer’s more recent credentials: Chief Architect of the Kansas budget disaster under Sam Brownback.
That’s right. Even though the Kansas experiment was an unmitigated disaster –failing schools, crumbling roads, huge budget shortfalls, and anemic growth – Bob Stefanowski wants to bring the same thinking to Connecticut.
“Bob Stefanowski is pushing the same phony math that landed Kansas in financial ruin,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Stefanowski plan would bankrupt schools, gut infrastructure funding, and create a fiscal nightmare in Connecticut. Voters beware: Bob Stefanowski’s plan would turn Connecticut into Kansas.”
