The Reviews Are In: Governor Deal’s “Slippery” Week Leaves Him In Deep Trouble

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Last week, by proving too unprepared and ineffective to fulfill the most basic requirement of being governor—keeping his people safe—Governor Deal finds himself in deep political trouble. Georgians have long-known that Deal is out-of-touch, ethically-compromised, and uninterested in making critical investments in education, but now 63 percent of Atlanta metro voters say Deal failed to do his job during the storm while “just 34 percent” of voters statewide “approved of Deal’s handling of the state response.”
Here’s a sample of the brutal coverage:
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Nathan Deal’s well-controlled terrain becomes slippery”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Snowjam puts Nathan Deal on the spot”
Bloomberg News: “Atlanta Storm Keeps Thousands Stuck in Cars on Iced-Over Roads”
Politifact: “Deal defends comments that bad weather was ‘unexpected’”
Fox News: “Rare winter storm leaves students, drivers stranded in Deep South”
The Gainesville Times: “Winter storm may pack a political punch for Deal”
USA Today: “Atlanta’s ability to handle winter storms questioned”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Two inches of snow should not have this impact”
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Leadership failures left Atlanta in chaos”
WXIA News: “Governor taking heat for activities morning of snow storm”
The Augusta Chronicle Editorial: “Even after the snow melts, Atlanta’s traffic will be a disaster”
Washington Post: “Democrats slam Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal over storm response”
Politico: “DGA attacks Nathan Deal in storm video”
@TheFix DGA bashes Gov. Nathan Deal over snowstorm — with an @alroker cameo!
@politicalinsidr DGA targets Gov. Nathan Deal with a video entitled “Asleep at the Wheel.” #gagop #gapol #gadems
@PostReid Tough AJC front page for Gov. Nathan Deal today —
@PeterHambyCNN oh my. this DGA vid against Nathan Deal >
