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The Republican Rebellion Against Jim Justice Keeps Growing

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Sen. Smith: “He’s poison to us.”

Two more Republican state senators joined the chorus of Republicans expressing ‘no confidence’ in West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice. They join local Republican county committees and the West Virginia Federation of College Republicans in voicing ‘no confidence’ in Justice’s leadership. On Monday, Senate Finance Chairman Craig Blair called for Justice to resign. The list of enemies for Jim Justice keeps growing with no end in sight.
Read more about the brewing Republican Rebellion against Justice below:
WV Metro News: More GOP senators state ‘no confidence’ in Justice
Criticism of Gov. Jim Justice by West Virginia’s Senate majority continues to mount.
Senate Finance Chairman Craig Blair, R-Berkeley, fired a shot on statewide radio Monday by calling for Justice to resign. Justice, at a news conference on Monday afternoon, then called Blair a bully.
But more Republicans in the Senate have expressed support of a proposed no-confidence resolution aimed at Justice.
Senator Ryan Weld, R-Brooke, said on statewide radio that he would back a no-confidence resolution. Senator Greg Boso, R-Nicholas, tweeted in support of the resolution and then expanded on his position during a telephone interview.
Senator Randy Smith, R-Preston, said in a telephone interview that he’s been distrustful of Justice for two years already.
Senate President Mitch Carmichael put out a statement Monday evening describing Justice’s “lack of leadership.” He made reference to ongoing discussion of education reform.
Weld said on MetroNews’ “Talkline” that he is not calling for Justice to resign, as Blair did. But Weld said he is inclined to sign on to a no-confidence resolution.
“At this point, I’m inclined to do so because I don’t have a lot of confidence in the governor’s leadership style,” Weld said. “He’s not in Charleston enough. He doesn’t have his arms around what’s going on.”
“He’s shown no willingness to build a coalition with either party,” Weld said. “When he was a Democrat, he butted heads consistently to members of the Democratic party. He switched to Republican and constantly butts heads and throws us under the bus. Is he a Republican in name only or does he want to govern with those of us who are?
Boso also expressed frustration.
“Is the executive function of our government being run in the same way those businesses and those personal practices are being employed?” Boso asked. “You can’t help but wonder.”
“So a vote of no confidence is that there is an indication that he needs to change,” Boso said. “Whether it’s resigning or whether it’s improving and performing in a way that he’s a frequently seen figure in the office is important.”
“I’ve preached in caucus for two years that you can’t trust him and he just uses the senators as ploys,” Smith said in a telephone interview. “They trust him and give him another chance and he throws them under the bus again.”
That led Smith to conclude, “He’s poison to us.”