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Cuccinelli's Extreme Dream Team

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Already running as one of the most conservative gubernatorial candidates in recent history, Ken Cuccinelli recently completed his statewide ticket with an extreme Republican Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General candidate to match Cuccinelli’s own record. The Virginia GOP ticket now consists of candidates who compared Planned Parenthood to the KKK, wants to ban common forms of birth control, and would require women to report their miscarriages to police within 24 hours of face prison time. Ken Cuccinelli and E.W. Jackson are two of the most extreme statewide candidates Virginians have ever seen.
Virginians are just now getting to know Ken Cuccinelli’s hate-spewing running mate E.W. Jackson. In the short time since Virginia Republicans nominated him to be Cuccinelli’s Lieutenant Governor, we’ve already learned that Jackson has compared Planned Parenthood to the Ku Klux Klan, thinks gay people are “very sick,” and believes there’s a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. This afternoon, Cuccinelli made clear what he thinks of all that when he called Jackson a “powerful, powerful fighter and communicator for first principles.” Clearly, Cuccinelli and Jackson were meant to run together.

Meet the Virginia GOP’s Extreme Team by the Virginia Democratic Party