The Herbst For Gov Platform: “Respect Our President”

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“I’m Running For Governor Because We Need Leaders Who Are Going To Respect Our President…”

Yesterday, Connecticut Republican Tim Herbst went on President Trump’s favorite TV show, Fox and Friends, hoping to get the attention of the big man himself. On the show, Herbst had little to say about his actual plans for Connecticut, but revealed the real reason he’s running for governor: to suck up to Donald Trump.
Herbst says he’s running for governor because Connecticut needs a leader who will “respect our president” and let Donald Trump’s agenda run wild in the state.
Watch the clip here:

HERBST: “I’m running for governor because we need leaders who are going to respect our president…”
It shouldn’t be a surprise that Herbst is fawning over President Trump. He, along with every single one of his GOP opponents, gave Trump an “A” grade on his first 18 months in office. None of them have a problem with the threat the Trump Administration poses to reproductive rights or access to affordable health care.
“Tim Herbst is running to be governor of Connecticut, but the only person he wants to serve is Donald Trump,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “While Herbst and the rest of the GOP candidates are fawning over Trump, the president’s harmful agenda threatens Connecticut. Connecticut needs a governor who will stand up to Washington, not a Trump lapdog like Tim Herbst.”