“Tensions Rising Between Colyer and Kobach” as Messy Primary Drags On Into Week 2

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United Behind Laura Kelly, Democrats Focus on Moving Past Brownback Years

It’s week two of the Kansas GOP standoff between Gov. Jeff Colyer and Sec. of State Kris Kobach, and there’s no end in sight. With roughly a hundred votes separating them, both Colyer and Kobach are lawyering up preparing for a recount fight. The two have also traded sharply worded letters arguing over Kobach’s recusal from any official duties involving the vote counting.
From the Wichita Eagle report:

…But instead of unifying, tensions are rising between Kobach and Colyer, who became governor six months ago when Sam Brownback resigned.
Colyer on Thursday demanded Kobach recuse himself from providing advice to county election officers and said he had made statements on national TV that were inconsistent with Kansas law. Colyer also hinted at the possibility of litigation.

With the looming legal fight demanding their total attention, Laura Kelly hit the ground running, sharing her vision to fix Kansas schools and move beyond the Brownback years once and for all.
From a KMUW report:

Kelly dodged that limbo. Instead, she could tell reporters how either Republican will represent a continuation of the Sam Brownback years. By the time he left the governor’s office early this year, his unpopularity had Democrats upbeat about their chances of winning the race.

The deadline for this to resolve isn’t until the end of the month. It’s likely the trailing candidate will drag it out as long as possible. And the longer this takes, the deeper the GOP divide will become.
“The GOP fight for the Brownback mantle is headed into overtime and it’s getting nasty,” said DGA Deputy Press Secretary Alex Japko. “This fight could tear the Kansas GOP apart, and deplete their resources. Meanwhile Laura Kelly is focused on the general election, sharing her plans to move Kansas beyond the disastrous Brownback agenda once and for all.”