Stefanowski Doubles Down on His Support for Trump: “I do agree with a lot of his policies”

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After running as a die-hard Trump loyalist and giving his failed presidency an “A” rating, Bob Stefanowski is doubling down on his support for Trump’s harmful agenda, telling The Day, “I do agree with a lot of his policies.” 

Here are just some of the disastrous policies that Stefanowski strongly supports:

  • Gutting health care coverage for people with preexisting conditions
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood and making it harder for people to access reproductive health care
  • Withholding aid to Ukraine for political favors

“Just like Donald Trump, Bob Stefanowski is running on a harmful agenda that would devastate Connecticut’s middle-class families,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Voters in the Nutmeg State don’t want a repeat of past harmful agendas; they want to continue to move forward with Gov. Lamont’s strong and fiscally responsible leadership that’s bringing new business to the state, expanding affordable health care, and investing in public education.”