Statement from DGA Chair Governor Martin O’Malley on Wisconsin Recall Election

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Washington, DC – Governor Martin O’Malley, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, released the following statement tonight on the results of the Wisconsin recall election:
“Tonight, we fell just short of an historic upset. Despite our side getting outspent ten to one by Governor Walker and his extreme right-wing allies, Democrats worked together and were incredibly united behind the people of Wisconsin – allowing us to make the race close and keep it neck-and-neck. While the recall has always been led by the people of Wisconsin first and foremost, the Democratic Governors Association is proud to have worked with our allies at Greater Wisconsin, We Are Wisconsin, and labor to fully fund an aggressive operation on the air and the ground.
“We know that the battle in Wisconsin is part of an ongoing fight to restore states’ economies and create jobs across the country. Since Ohioans rejected Ohio Governor Kasich’s assault on workers late last year and Wisconsinites submitted over a million signatures in support of a recall and brought the fight to Scott Walker’s doorstep tonight, Republican governors across the country are on notice: the people of their states will not tolerate partisan overreach. We look forward to continuing to support and elect Democratic governors who will work to create jobs, expand opportunity, and move our country forward.”