Statement from DGA Chair Governor Martin O’Malley on September Jobs Report

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October 5, 2012

Statement from DGA Chair Governor Martin O’Malley on September Jobs Report

Washington, DC – Governor Martin O’Malley, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, released the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Labor announced that the economy added 114,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8%:
“Today’s jobs report shows that our economic recovery continues under President Obama’s leadership. Unemployment has been driven down to a 44-month low, and Americans created 114,000 jobs last month. Revisions to the July and August jobs reports show a further gain of over 80,000 jobs. The private sector continues to lead the way, creating jobs for 31 months in a row, and the public sector showed modest gains for the first time since February.
“There is still much work to be done, and we know more Americans could get back to work faster if the Tea Party Republican House would stop blocking virtually every jobs bill that the President proposes. While Mitt Romney and the Republican House might be rooting for our economy to fail to score political points, our continued recovery is too important to be stalled by partisanship.
“Democratic Governors will continue working to create jobs and expand opportunity in our states.”