Statement from DGA Chair Gov. Phil Murphy on the Trump Administration’s Failure to Provide Meaningful Relief to Americans

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On Saturday, President Trump signed four executive orders falsely promising fiscal relief for the millions of struggling Americans who have been left in the lurch by Republicans’ dereliction of duty. 

The executive orders and memorandum put forward by the president equate to nothing but a false promise.

DGA Chair New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy today issued the following statement: 

“Yet again, this administration and its Republican allies in Congress have failed the millions of Americans who are struggling to keep their heads above water. Instead of showing leadership and presenting meaningful solutions to support our hardworking friends and neighbors, President Trump has offered up a hollow political gesture. 

“The payroll tax holiday and unworkable unemployment benefits program will fail to provide any relief to families trying to get by. In addition, the cuts to unemployment benefits force states already strained by a recession to foot the bill while the payroll tax holiday undermines Social Security and Medicare benefits, all the while setting up a devastating economic blow for families in just a few months. For an economic wound that needs sutures, President Trump’s executive actions do not even justify being called a band-aid.

Americans are hurting and they need the federal government to lead as it is designed to do during a crisis. Republicans in Congress and President Trump must step up.”
