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Stapleton In Shambles: Blunders Ballot Access And Withdraws All Signatures

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Who Campaigned Worse: Jeb Bush or Walker Stapleton?

While the world thought there could be no sadder Bush-family campaign moment than “please clap,” Jeb’s cousin, Walker Stapleton said, “Hold my beer.
Today, he announced he would withdraw all 19214 petition signatures he submitted to gain access to the ballot. Stapleton’s campaign told reporters today they have paid the signature gathering firm more than$200,000 this cycle.
This is more than embarrassing; it’s an unmitigated catastrophe for the Stapleton campaign. Stapleton spent months deliberating whether he would even show up to the GOP convention because his campaign has zero momentum behind it. He now must face Republican convention-goers on Saturday, and certainly the inability to effectively manage his campaign will be a topic of discussion.
“Walker Stapleton can’t generate enthusiasm, lacks any discernable message, and is unable to execute the basic requirements of a gubernatorial campaign,” said David Turner, DGA Deputy Communications Director. “Stapleton’s campaign is basically Jeb Bush’s without the exclamation point.”