Spineless Sununu Vetoes Paid Family Leave Bill, Betraying Granite State Families

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Sununu breaks campaign promise to Granite Staters, showing his true colors

Today, Gov. Chris Sununu broke a signature campaign promise and betrayed Granite State families by vetoing SB1, which would guarantee New Hampshire families access to paid family and medical leave. Instead of admitting he opposes this overwhelmingly popular policy, Spineless Sununu misled Granite Staters during election season by pretending he supported paid family leave.
For several years, Chris Sununu had the opportunity to enshrine paid family and medical leave into law but refused to get the job done. Instead of working with the legislature to craft a bipartisan paid family leave plan, Sununu cooked up his own half-baked, unworkable proposal. Despite 78% of New Hampshire voters supporting the policy, Sununu called paid family leave a “terrible idea” and compared it to a vacation not once, but twice.
“Today’s veto is a stark reminder that Spineless Sununu refuses to get the job done for hardworking Granite Staters,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Chris Sununu obviously does not care about living up to his promises, so why should voters trust anything he says? Governor Sununu must explain why new mothers and caregivers have to choose between taking care of their loved ones or losing their job.”
