SIREN: RGA Comes In To Bail Out Doug Ducey…In April

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Arizona Is The First State RGA Goes On Air, Sign Ducey Is In Trouble

After his botched response to the Arizona education crisis, Doug Ducey is in political trouble. Today, the Republican Governors Association made that clear, launching a nearly $350,000 television buy to bolster his campaign as it teeters on the brink of collapse.
Arizona is the first state in the country where RGA is going on the air – in a race that was rated as “Likely Republican” in the beginning of the campaign cycle. The Republican Governors’ Association clearly recognize the political fallout from Ducey’s education failure.
“The RGA is confirming what everyone already knows: Doug Ducey is in trouble,” said David Turner, DGA Deputy Communications Director. “It doesn’t take a political savant to know that going up with a large television buy, in April, is a sign of weakness. The fact is, Doug Ducey should be terrified. His plan to take funds meant for disabled children to fill a funding gap he’s ignored until an election year is both awful policy and politics.”
Just today, Arizonans are reading headlines like: